Don't Look Now by Donna Palmlund |
Let her eat cake by Monica Griffey |
Sleep, oh gentle sleep by Catherine SweetPotato |
Look Ma! No Hands! by Nancie M |
Best of Theme picked by Fran Barrikis Puli
My heart aches for you by Scott Michael Anna |
It wasn't easy to decide. I had fun checking out all the entries!
Scott's entry met the challenge. It is crystal clear, has good composition, great colors, and it's a delightful Capture. His Caption was within the word limit (7 or less) and perfectly paired with the photo to bring laughter to the viewer. Just what I was hoping for when I chose Capture And Caption. His frame and bubble were a nice touch too.
Scott's entry met the challenge. It is crystal clear, has good composition, great colors, and it's a delightful Capture. His Caption was within the word limit (7 or less) and perfectly paired with the photo to bring laughter to the viewer. Just what I was hoping for when I chose Capture And Caption. His frame and bubble were a nice touch too.