Saturday, March 20, 2010

Winners of WILD!

It was a wild week, indeed, with interpretations on our "Wild" theme ranging from the king of the jungle to a party animal, and everything in between.  We matched our previous best for number of entries this week, and we thank everyone for sharing their wild experiences. It was great fun.

First Place
Fire in the Purple Sage, David Hailey

Tie for Second Place
My favorite "wild" bush: Harry Lauder Walking Stick, Catherine SweetPotato

Tie for Second Place
Lions in the Grass, Patricia Gould

Third Place
Camels in the Sahara, Pascale Fernandez

Honorable Mention
Wild? He was livid!, Brian Crossland

Best of Theme
Intruding on Two Raccoons, Debra Webb
Our best of theme was selected by last week's winner, Val Juneman. Val says,
It was a tough choice, but after a long deliberation I've gone for Debra's black and white shot of 'intruding racoons'. Lots of photos of wildlife (and a few other 'wild' interpretations...), but I felt this photo helped capture the sense of 'being in the wild'.  The black and white tones and glimpse of faces through the vegetation, and the raccoon central frame looking straight at the camera enabling eye to eye contact. Felt like the picture was spying onto a moment of nature rather than focusing on the wonder of the animal itself.