First Place
Serenity by Patti Wheeler |
Equal Second Place
Spring is near by Ruthie Benjamin |
Charlotte Skater by Clifford Forstadt |
Third Place
One size fits all by Eagle Finegan |
Best of Theme
As Brian pointed out this morning when he messaged me the preliminary results, my choice of theme did not make picking Best of Theme an easy task. All the pictures are someone's current favorite and ergo their pick for best of theme. And there is obviously a reason they are all special. I toyed briefly for that reason with awarding myself best of theme and then a late entry solved my dilemma. I chose Robert A. Steinegger's Sleepy Sam.
I take infinite pictures of my fur kids looking for that one defining moment and I think Robert should be very proud of this picture. Sam's expression is pure nirvana, and he is sleeping on a color coordinated cat bed. And most importantly he did not wake up and move when Robert went to fetch the camera.
Jacqui Binford-Bell
Sleepy Sam by Robert A. Steinegger |
This is Patti Wheeler’s second win. Her previous win was for the theme of Lost in January 2011. Ruthie should find her second place encouraging since she wasn’t initially going to enter. Congratulations to all winners and everyone that entered with their current favorite photograph. Each such photograph we take is a victory.
Many thanks to all of you! I really loved seeing the variety of wonderful favorite photos this week. What a divergent group of subjects & approaches! Congratulations to all the other winners. Thanks again!