Saturday, November 21, 2009

People In Places Winner's Circle

We had 35 participants in this week's Picture Picks Event - People in Places. And we had another tie for first place. Both photos received eight votes and we decided to post them both as first place while foregoing a second place winner for this event. They are both equally stunning photographs!

Castlerigg Stone Circle by Val Juneman
First Place

On the Boardwalk by Catherine SweetPotato
First Place

Honorable Mention goes to Monica Griffey with her photo Sunday's Song

This week we are also beginning a new award category: Best of Theme. This award is not picked by popular vote as the others are but by the previous winner who picked the theme. Jacqui Binford-Bell picked the theme People in Places and picked this weeks winner of Best of Theme: Brian Crossland for his photo Walking on the Edge.

Walking on the Edge by Brian Crossland - Best of Theme

Statement on Best of Theme by J. Binford-Bell: "This was a very difficult choice this week. Several photos fit the marriage between place and people that I was looking for. I chose Brian's photo because the hikers in the foreground give perspective to the winter valley below and their dress tells us about the weather. The wintery background and their companionable poses says a lot about our intreped hikers.One could almost use this photo as a springboard for a short story."


  1. They're all so wonderful.

  2. The congratulations belong to all the participants I think. It was a wonderful event this week and very inspiring.

  3. Wonderful choices. It was very, very hard to choose.
