Saturday, November 7, 2009

Showcase for Winners

We are testing out the concept of having a special showcase for the winning photographs of Picture Picks Group on FaceBook. In the short time we have been in existance we have been amazed at the quality of the photographs submitted for our weekly themed contests and we invite you to go to that site and explore the Events Tab and the pictures posted.

The purpose of this blog is to post the weekly winners of the themed events and showcase the talents of our members and participants.


  1. This is a great idea. Kudoi to both of you for putting this together.

  2. Lovely layout and wonderful idea. It showcase photography very well.

  3. Thank you all. And if you have links to your blog you want to include in our Links of Importance please message me with your url so I can add you in. Does not have to be a blogger site.
